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  2018年8月13日-17日,何宏平研究员等十人应邀赴澳大利亚墨尔本参加第22届国际矿物学大会。何宏平研究员、朱建喜研究员和朱润良研究员参加了“Functional silicates and aluminosilicates: clays, zeolites and other minerals”分会场,分别作“The influence of clay minerals’ structure and surface reactivity on their phase transformation”、“The novel Al30 pillared interlayered montmorillonite”和“Facile synthesis of nanostructured silicon with various morphology from clay minerals for lithiumion battery anodes”的口头报告,刘红昌博士在“Clays and micro-organisms”分会场作“Dissolution of chalcopyrite by extremely thermoacidophilic Archaea Acidianus manzaensis under anaerobic environment”口头报告。另外,袁鹏研究员(展报题目:Structure, morphology and porosity changes of allophane under heating),陶奇副研究员(展报题目:Synthesis of zincsilite: a Zn end member of Zn-Al serials of smectites),梁晓亮副研究员(展报题目:Geometry and competitiveness of arsenate and phosphate oxyanions in the individual and competitive adsorption on magnetite),刘红梅高级工程师(展报题目:The effect of water on the pyrolysis of clay mineral-organic matter complexes),谭伟助理研究员(展报题目:Heterogeneous Sub-solidus Transformation of Ilmenite-hematite Solid Solution),和博士生宋雅然(展报:Novel Al2O3-MnO2@diatomite nanohybrid for efficient phosphate removal)也通过展报与参会同行进行了深入的学术交流。



